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Four Pillars

Real People Educating Others

RPEO's Four Pillars

  • Education

  • Service

  • Mentorship

  • Extracurriculars

Executive Summary

With the alarming increase in incarceration, gang involvement, suicide, and other unbecoming activities, it has become clear that the future of our young people is at risk.  Members of RPEO realize that in order to see some type of change to these circumstances, it will require sustainable interventions that will both prevent or reverse the mindsets and conditions that cause these behaviors.  


RPEO has decided to focus on 4 pillars that will assist in making meaningful strides toward this effort.  They include Education, Mentorship, Service, and Extracurriculars.  In addition, RPEO understands that it is necessary to work collaboratively with other organizations and entities to ensure that all needs are being met.

RPEO group photo duringa 757 giveback initiative

Mission Statement

RPEO, Real People Educating Others, is committed to initiating a collective youth development network that takes social responsibility to motivate and educate young adults in socioeconomically challenged, misdirected, and underserved environments.



The youth in the Hampton Roads Area, which comprises a quarter of Virginia’s population, is yearning for guidance from advocates who understand and can relate to their current set of circumstances, advocates who can serve as supportive mentors and educators. 


These young people need counsel who are capable of assisting them to become successful and productive members of society.  Through collective experience, RPEO has conceptualized the cliché that “seeing is believing.” 


Our young people need leaders and supporters who have been where they are, leaders who are equipped to intimately and earnestly speak to them on their level in their language about the impact that their decisions have on their lives and their futures. 


1.  RPEO, provides guest speakers and interactive informational workshops, which will include speakers and facilitators from various relative demographics who will share their true transitional testimonies, hallmarks to success, goal setting strategies, as well as various other out-of-the-box educational and empowerment activities. 


2.  To furnish speakers and advocates that will explain the differences between short and long-term goals, the importance of each, and how to set and reach achievable goals.


3.  To educate participants on why people have different ideologies and worldviews, why this is holistically important, and how to deal with people with different ideologies, worldviews, and personalities.


4.  To explain the importance of communication and interaction with peers.


5.  To build lasting relationships with various public and private organizations to create shared programs to contribute to the betterment of our youth.


Targeted Outcomes

  • The youth in these demographics will see an alternative to their current way of life.


  • Individuals will be able to set S.M.A.R.T (specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, time and resource constrained) short and long-term goals utilizing a SWOT analyst.


  • Introduction to foreign worldviews and ideologies (transformation).


  • Improve youth engagement.


  • To build lasting relationships between RPEO and city, county, state, and federal agencies to work together to create and coordinate on time services designed for the continued uplift and development of our youth

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